Issue Seven Introduction

Richard Thomas | Published: July 1, 2024
This month we have a special theme—fantasy and science fiction! We have four fantastic new stories in this issue: “The Clones That Make You” by Avra Margariti treads familiar ground while somehow still providing an ending that shocks and unsettles; “Between the Flickers” by M. S. Dean, an immersive story that finds humanity woven into…

This month we have a special theme—fantasy and science fiction! We have four fantastic new stories in this issue: “The Clones That Make You” by Avra Margariti treads familiar ground while somehow still providing an ending that shocks and unsettles; “Between the Flickers” by M. S. Dean, an immersive story that finds humanity woven into the ghost in a machine; “The Colour of the Ninth Wave” by Katie McIvor an old Irish tale that haunts as much as it inspires hope; and “Dog’s Way” by Lindsey Goddard because he’s a good boy, and who can resist such a story? As for reprints, we have three more compelling tales: “The Mind of the Unbound Prometheus” by Nick Kolakowski, which telescopes and escalates and it loops towards a claustrophobic ending; “The Techwork Horse” by M. H. Ayinde, a brilliantly told tale of family, culture, and hope; as well as “Mycelium,” by Beth Goder, a touching story of friendship, nature, and ritual. Our original non-fiction essay this month is “The Six Most Genre-Breaking Fantasy Novels of All Time” by Joseph Sale—always informative, witty, and entertaining. And our reprint non-fiction is a timely essay by Todd Sullivan entitled, “The Practicalities of an Alien Invasion.” Our amazing cover art this month is by Daniele Serra, whose work I love (and have acquired many times over the years). Enjoy!

—Richard Thomas

Editor-in-Chief / Creative Director

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