You learn so much
in a single day—how the body gives
up with too little or too much.
Our gut biomes determine our minds,
our health, are built before
we even know who we are.
The color of an egg’s yolk
is shaped by the hen’s diet—
the vitamins you swallow
controlled by the strength
of the grass, the crack of the feed.
There are caterpillars who hide
by looking like snakes,
reshape their bodies when threatened.
Birds who can mimic the cries
of other animals.
The chemistry of tears is shaped
by what they are shed for—
the tender proteins of sadness and joy
cannot be conjured by onions alone.
Scientists note that near death
experiences might be explained
by synapses in the brain firing,
that the bright light is an expanse
of the pupils.
We can only take in so much light.
So angels in the Bible are terrifying
because beauty would stun us too much.
The cosmos contains such stars
the number sounds imaginary.
A bird can repopulate
a forest after fire.
When they say Be not afraid,
what they mean is be
not afraid.
You too are a miracle.